Yesterday turned out to be glorious. I went to the touristy part of Kusadisi and wound up having a long multi-lingual chat with three men in a mosque bookstore. Got a contact name and number for a Muslim chaplain in Boston. Bought a Quran and several other books on Islam.
Shopped and visited wıth various lovely merchants and learned a LOT about how Turkish rugs are made. Got asked to dinner or drinks several times. Sunny. Happy. “Would you like some apple tea?” Of course I would!
Mr. Ä°nterfaith Understanding and I had a very good day together today; he is no dummy and realized, Ä° think, that his combative tone was way overboard. Part of this feels to me a bit like 4th grade pigtail pulling — the vibe between us reminds me of grade school rivalries with cute boys who dont know if they want to pinch or kiss the girls who have brains and strong opinions.
Tomorrow we fly to Athens. Wake up 4 AM — so say a prayer for me at 9 PM EST.
We spent today at Ephesus, by the way. Oh my goddess. Ephesus. Photos and more about this magnifıcent site later.
Love from Kusadisi, friends.
Kiss of peace.
A trip to Greece is my absolute dream. Safe and happy travel, my friend!