Today’s Bible Study: Advent (Mary and Elizabeth)

Luke 1:56

“And Mary remained with her about three months and then returned to her home.”

And after about three months, Elizabeth said to Mary, “Sweetie, you know how much I love you. But we’re both so hormonal and frankly, I could just use some ‘me time’ before the baby gets here, you know?” And Mary said, “Totally. I didn’t want to say anything because I wasn’t sure if I’m allowed to be bitchy anymore, since I’m God’s Numero Uno — not that you should feel slighted for being numero dos — but you’re starting to get on my nerves a little tiny bit with the whining about how you can barely tie your sandals anymore, and the false labor.” Then the women embraced as warmly as they could considering Elizabeth’s enormous pregnant belly, and they kissed each other with many blessings for safe childbirth, and promises to catch up at the bris.

Theological reflection: was Mary right? Scripture never shows her being b**chy, but it does show her being noodgy (eg, Wedding at Cana). Discuss. Also: when Mary says, “Surely, from now on all generations will call me blessed,” do you think she and Angel Gabriel might have high-fived each other, or the first century Palestinian equivalent thereof? If not, then when in the Magnificat might that have happened?



2 Replies to “Today’s Bible Study: Advent (Mary and Elizabeth)”

  1. I love you! I have these kinds of irreverent thoughts all the time and wonder if anybody else does, or if I’m just too snarky to be a Christian. Another thing I’ve thought of is that Zechariah’s being rendered speechless for Elizabeth’s entire pregnancy was a true gift from God. Elderly and pregnant, she didn’t need a husband telling her that her cravings for falafel were all in her head. Thanks for reminding us that these were real people . . . . like us. (And by the way, Mary definitely did get noodgy at the wedding at Cana, didn’t she? I imagine her like a Jewish mother with a New York accent saying to the servants, “Get the watah,” and then turning to Jesus and saying, “I did not go through what I went through to bring you into this world to have you turn into a couch potato. It’s time.” )
    Nancy Rue

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