PeaceBang Consulting

PeaceBang Consulting: Integrating Mission, Spirit and Image.

The Rev. Dr. Victoria Weinstein

Clergy and Congregational Coach and Image Consultant

Working with individuals, congregations and other organizations to harmonize your exterior and online appearance with your inner passion and beauty. Consulting with congregations on covenanting, worship renewal and nurturing a ministry of activism.

My consulting style is warm, supportive, honest, creative and collaborative.

Contact me at

Some past gigs (in 2013 I accepted a call to a new full time parish ministry that created an opportunity for a lot more community and social justice involvement, and have not had much time for consulting since then):

June, 2013
Iowa Conference of the United Church of Christ Annual Meeting.
Speaker and workshop leader. “The Church Has Left The Building: Social Media and Ministry Beyond Borders.”

November 2012
Unitarian Universalist Association of Membership Professionals National Gathering.
Lecture and workshop. “The Ministry of Membership Work.”

Central Midwest District of the Unitarian Universalist Association
Day-Long Retreat Leader. “From Sales To Souls: Membership and Evangelism for a Living Tradition.”

June 2012
United Church of Christ 20’s & 30’s Clergy Network Annual Meeting.
Keynote Lecture, “Eros In the Parish: Embodied Ministry And The Living God.”
Workshop Leader, “Conscious Ministry: Creating An Image That Suits Your Vision.”

April 2012
Massachusetts Council of Churches Annual Meeting.
Panelist and Workshop Leader, “Tweeting Jesus: Creating Community Through Social Media.”

September 2011
Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary Alumni Event.
“What’s Under Your Robe: Clergy Image Event With PeaceBang.”

July-August 2011
Unitarian and Free Christian Churches in the United Kingdom.
Consultations with multiple congregations. Mission, growth and worship renewal.