8 Replies to “Max Comes Home”

  1. Aaahh!

    As a beagle caretaker (Nicholas the Ridiculous), may I offer both my congratulations and sympathies.

    Enjoy, love, and be patient.


  2. Dearest Ermengarde: Malika (the Blue Russian), Angel (a gorgeous Golden Marked Tabby) and Roger (a quasi Ret. UU Minister) are praying for you for having to put up with this, well. . . this. . . this. . . DOG!

    Cheerfully, All of us!

    DR rogRE,
    thak u fur thnking ofme, thisis TERRFUBLE but i did see the puupy lastnite & he not 2bad. I haf my ownrooom rite now actully 2rooms & mom is sleeping withme dad with puppy. Ionly got puffy tail once so momsez i am taking IT WELL. luv eRMENGarde
    p.s. the puupy lovez catz but i stilldo not want to be SMELLLLEd by him!

  3. Sincere congrats on your new baby. Puppies are absolutely the best. I don’t talk baby talk to actual human babies, but to puppies, I’m a giant goof ball.

  4. He’s a sweet looking pup. I feel for the kitty, though. The cats I grew up with were practically raised by a dog but then went a good ten years in a dog-free house. They were less than thrilled when my parents added not one but TWO new dogs to the household (within about a year of each other). Everyone seems to be coping with it ok but the dogs would like nothing better than to be able to lick the cats whenever they please. The cats seriously object to that.

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