Training Pastoral Caregivers

When I set out to train a group of lay pastoral caregivers this fall, I wanted to create my own model since I had never seen one that I could entirely go for, even though I had attended numerous workshops on the subject.

Although I read dozens of books on pastoral care. I found these two books to be most helpful in framing my sessions:

A Pastor in Every Pew: Equipping Laity for Pastoral Care
by Leroy Howe
The Lost Art of Listening: How Learning To Listen Can Improve Relationships
by Michael P. Nichols, PhD

I just thought I’d let you know.

One Reply to “Training Pastoral Caregivers”

  1. Dear PB,

    A wonderful book we used in my pastoral care class at seminary was Cari Jackson’s marvelous book, “The Gift to Listen, The Courage to Hear.” (Auguburg) I learned so much from that book!

    I’m looking forward to meeting you in Minneapolis!
    Peace to you.

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